Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Nexus Updates Galore

Hi guys!

Some of you with Nexus devices may have noticed that Google just uploaded the factory images for Android 5.0 Lollipop. All Nexus devices since the original Nexus 7 now have a means to update to the latest version of Android, with the exception of the Nexus 4. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

Google is also pushing the OTA for the update, but it could be weeks or over a month before you ever see that hit your device. In this respect, the factory images are very useful, in that you can update your own device manually without waiting for Google. On the other hand, that means that any bugs in the new version won't have had a chance to be patched before you get your hands on the update.

As apologies for the delay since my last post, I'll post a review of Android 5.0 Lollipop for both the Nexus 5 and the Nexus 7 in the next few weeks.

Peace out!